Christian animated movies always have a positive effect on child development! How much more if they're fun? As part of the Christian animated movies genre, The Tales of Waterville DVDs include character building in the storylines. Watch DVD preview and get a glimpse! "So many children's animated movies today are missing the Christian values you want your children to learn! Movies and TV shows actually undermine what many parents teach their children at home," says Tales of Waterville creator/producer Armando Escalante."Tales of Waterville, offers viewing entertainment free of violence and romantic undertones. Enjoy Christian animated movies on DVD.
We now offer Tales of Waterville Books in addition to the DVDs. The books incorporate Bible verses in the stories. It is the perfect book collection for parents who wish to introduce Jesus to their young children as they read to them. Parents are given the opportunity in each story to explain the Bible to ultimately lead their children to Jesus.
View sample section of a book! Buy the entire collection!